Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Pet-peeve of the week

Oh how I love my kids. I feel I needed to start with that so I can briefly break away and say how easily annoyed I am by them. Oh I know, I'm a terrible mom for saying that publicly but you know all you moms think it from time-to-time. I have my favorite spot on the couch, close to the arm, you know, where you can only fit ONE person. My eight-year-old sits right next to me, every time we are in the same room. When I say she sits right next to me, she literally leans into me so my right arm is basically sandwiched in between us. Sure, it was cute the first hundred times, but now it just makes me crave my 3 feet of personal space. Her sister, on the other hand, tries to sit by me but gets kicked to the floor or tackled like she's a quarterback who never saw that hit coming. Yeah, it's funny at times, but mostly just annoying. I want my spot back...the one that has at least enough room for my arm to move around. It's just not the same when I tell her to 'scoot over' and she moves an inch, only to ease back against my arm again. Kids. I love them, I really do, but scoot over!


holly said...

i can totally picture maci all up in your grill right now