Friday, May 7, 2010

Land Your Plane

I talk to a lot of people every day. It's my job. I really don't mind it because it makes the day go by quickly. One of my weaknesses though, is my patience for chatty Cathys. I'll use my daughter, Aley, for example. When Aley goes to tell me a story, whether it be about one of her friends or just an experience at school, she tends to ramble. She'll start her story, and I'm with her. After 30 seconds, my eyes start to glaze over and I can't hear her anymore, I'm concentrating on whatever is going on in my mind because she fails to get to the point quickly enough. She's talking about how the weather was, when she was outside, talking to her friend whom she had an argument with, after she got back from taking this big important test. Um, (insert Chicken Little's voice) what were we talkin' about? It's very hard for me to listen to a story if there isn't a clear beginning, quickly getting to the plot, and making the ending brief while only taking 20 seconds to spit it out. I guess I have a lot of my dad's patience in me because he's the same way.

I watch a lot of movies, and I love the one-liners. I don't know if you've ever seen Couples' Retreat or not, but I would probably recommend it. There's a man who's on vacation with his girlfriend and runs into his estranged wife. She proceeds to tell him about how after dating all these men, she realized she still loves him. While explaining all she went through to get to this realization, he says the funniest thing. In fact, I remember laughing hysterically..rewinding that part..and playing it again, only to laugh like it was the first time I'd seen it. The wife is carrying on about all these other guys and he stops her says, "Alright, alright, land your plane!"

No? Nothin? Well, I think it's funny, and I'm not afraid to use it.


Unknown said...

My wife and I were watching this movie again for the nth time and just caught that reference and it had us both laughing and amazed we'd not caught this one liner before. She actually used the line today on some friends and looked it up while explaining it and found your post. We agree, too funny.