Monday, July 26, 2010

Mean People

Okay, I may be a little biased, but I think I'm a pretty nice person. I don't like to hurt other people's feelings & if I do, I try and apologize for it right away and I most likely didn't intend to. It doesn't make me feel good to know I'm making someone else feel bad. I believe in the golden-rule and try to abide by it. With that being said, let's talk about those people out there who are not so nice. Let's talk about mean people.

I just need to here goes: do mean people grow up being taught that it's okay to make other people feel bad; do they consider how they would feel if someone made them look like a fool; is there any remorse later, for knowing they made someone question themself; have they been hurt so deeply that they want to hurt other people; are they just so stupid that they think it makes them look smart to have a sarcastic comeback for everything you say; are they so arrogant & think they are so cool, that you are 'lucky' to be talking to them and think they are tricking you into making fun of yourself??????

Okay, the fact that I started out in the 3rd person and ended up, well, not in the 3rd person just coincidence. Anyway, being mean is just wrong. As your mother, grandmother, aunt, teacher or anyone older than you always told you, you kill more flies with honey than vinegar. If someone ticks you off, or offends you...walk away. Don't get into a (pardon my French) pissing-match with them. Don't get me wrong, it's always good to defend yourself, but never at somone else's expense.

I'll leave you with this: it is admirable to walk away from a situation that could have potentially ended up badly. There will always be spineless people out there who don't care about your feelings, but I say who cares? Let them know you don't appreciate their unkind words (in a nice, yet stern way) and move on. It bothers them more to know that you won't argue with them and that you're comfortable enough in your own skin to just let it go.